Data Management App

Data Management App
Project Goal: Build a web application capable of handling complex data operations including create, read, update, and delete (CRUD), while providing a sleek, user-friendly interface.

Tech Stack: Node.js | Express.js | MongoDB | Mongoose | Bootstrap | HTML | CSS | Javascript

Approach: I built a high-performance backend using Express.js and Node.js. The application features real-time interaction with MongoDB Atlas with serverless functions, Mongoose data modeling, and Bootstrap for UI.

The Result: The application is a fully functioning CRUD system, capable of handling data requests with ease, all while maintaining an intuitive, streamlined interface. The real-time interactions and efficient data management were achieved thanks to tight integration between the front-end and back-end.

Learning Lessons: This project not only strengthened my skills in Express.js, Node.js, and MongoDB Atlas, but also honed my ability to build scalable applications with clean, maintainable code.